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Social Media Marketing & Management

Once you have a website or a presence on the internet, you need visitors! Social Media cannot be forgotten from your marketing efforts. We can help you set up your professional profiles, work with you on your branding, create posts and basically help you create the online integrated and branded presence that will not just get you noticed, but that will help you earn money!

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Business Consulting 

If you need some expert help on a business issue, planning for a marketing campaign, or getting some advice on solving a pain point, we are available to support you with focused guidance.  We will use our experience, knowledge and skills to provide advice, mentoring and coaching depending on the specifics of the presenting problems. 

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Marketing Coaching

Marketing is a core requirement of growing your business. Want more clients? Different clients? Don’t know how to leverage your existing efforts on social media? Book a coaching session to embark on a structured approach that will take you to your next level. Be ready to work on the hard questions that you may not have been asking your self AND be ready to follow through! 

Free Consultation

Business Coaching

Want to discuss your business as a whole? Explore how you want your business to look? Are you stuck on a particular business problem and need someone skilled at coaching to take you through a structured approach? If you are ready to examine the issues, create action plans and follow through within a solution focused framework, then lets get started!

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Website Services

Whether you are a DIY website person, a just-want-a-little-bit-of-help person, or a -hire-me-a-consultant kind of person, we have the website services that will meet your needs. From basic website maintenance that will keep things going, to more involved design or customized work, to monthly VIP packages that are ‘done for you’ (and done right), we can help your website be the capstone of your marketing and outreach.

Click here to learn about your options.