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Mindset is another word for success


we understand that business and personal are inherently linked.

We aren’t just about marketing – we are also here about YOU.

Mindset Services is a marketing agency – yes, absolutely. We are also a team who has lived a vast variety of experiences. We get that business and personal is not separate, especially when you are just starting out. We want to help you navigate success in your business, and success overall in your life!



We understand from our clients’ successes and from first hand experience that your “why” is interconnected with your mindset, your business and your life so we explore beyond the “how”.


We don’t just know about what needs to be done – we know how to do it too! We too have grown our own businesses and found ways to use our mindset to flourish no matter what life has brought us.


From websites, to social media, to building e-commerce businesses, to branding and more. We bring a complete set of decades long experience and knowledge to you.

Big Picture Thinkers

While we are working through immediate challenges you may have, we are always creating space for your long term vision so we set foundations you can grow upon.

Teresa Martin

smiling pale skinned woman with short brown hair wearing glasses, red lipstick and a red sweater

Websites, writing, editing, business analysis, strategic planning, consulting and coaching, to name a few of the skills I put to work for you.

Your business challenges and ideas deserve support from an experienced creative who gets the details right.